Farmastat AS offers statistics and analysis of market information for pharmaceuticals and consumer goods.
With good analysis of critical market information, customers get a solid base for smarter decisions as well as faster and better results.
Farmastat AS has more than 25 years of experience in the Norwegian pharmaceutical market and is part of the Nordic collaboration, Nordic Pharma Insights, which offers a comprehensive market insight for the Nordic market in one solution.
Farmastat AS is a subsidiary of the Norwegian Pharmaceutical Industry Association, LMI, which is the trade association for the pharmaceutical industry in Norway. LMI’s administration is led by Karita Bekkemellem and together with the subsidiaries Farmastat AS, Felleskatalogen and Nomvec, counts a total of 32 employees.
Some of what we can offer:
- Analysis and targeting
- In market sales data for the pharmacy channel in Norway
- Sales in volume and value
- Brick and county data for the Norwegian market,
- Sales per pharmacy chain
- Sales for consumer goods such as skin care, supplements and nutrition with in-house developed category system
Please be in touch for more information or to discuss what we can do for your organization to succeed in the Norwegian market.
For contact info and international payment details click here.
For more information about our Nordic cooperation https://www.nordicpharmainsights.com/Pages/Default.aspx.
For more information about our Swedish statistics vendor Swedish Pharma Insights: https://swedishpharmainsights.se/.